# Array Generation
Arrays can be serialized and unserialized into and from a variety of different formats. The array generation part of the library gives you some tools for the most commonly used formats.
# makeFromXml()
Receives a xml-input and converts it into a multidimensional array. The core of the method is heavily inspired (*cough*) by CakePhp's XML implementation (opens new window) with a few extra twirks to make it more convenient.
It accepts either an XML String (With or without header), a DOMNode or a SimpleXMLElement as an input. The output is an array containing a list of nodes that may have one of four types of children:
- "tag": Describes the tag of the node
- "@attr": The name of an attribute and it's value with an "@" to describe it
- "content": The content value of the node as a string.
- "childNode": Has a numeric index and contains nested nodes of the current node.
The generation of "associative" arrays based on xml's is currently a feature in active development. It might change in the future. Suggestions are welcome.
- $input The xml source to convert into an array
- $asAssocArray If this is set to true the result object is converted to a more readable associative array. Be careful with this! There might be sideEffects, like changing paths when the result array has a changing number of nodes.
use Neunerlei\Arrays\Arrays;
Arrays::makeFromXml(new SimpleXMLElement("..."));
# makeFromObject()
The method receives an object of any kind and converts it into a multidimensional array
use Neunerlei\Arrays\Arrays;
use Neunerlei\Arrays\Tests\Assets\DummyClass;
use Neunerlei\Arrays\Tests\Assets\DummyIterator;
Arrays::makeFromObject(new DummyIterator());
// ["foo" => "bar", "true" => TRUE]
Arrays::makeFromObject(new DummyClass());
// ["foo" => true, "bar" => "baz"]
Arrays::makeFromObject(new SimpleXMLElement("..."));
// The same output as makeFromXml() would give you
# fromStringList()
Receives a string list like: "1,asdf,foo, bar" which will be converted into [1, "asdf", "foo", "bar"] Note the automatic trimming and value conversion of numbers, TRUE, FALSE an null. By default the separator is ",". All separators can be escaped using "\"
- $input The value to convert into an array
- $separator The separator to split the string at
use Neunerlei\Arrays\Arrays;
Arrays::makeFromStringList("abc,foo,bar"); // ["abc", "foo", "bar"]
Arrays::makeFromStringList("foo\\,bar"); // ["foo,bar"]
// [TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, 1, 0, NULL, 123]
# makeFromCsv()
Receives a string value and parses it as a csv into an array.
- $input The csv string to parse
- $firstLineKeys Set to true if the first line of the csv are keys for all other rows
- $delimiter The delimiter between multiple fields
- $quote The enclosure or quoting tag
use Neunerlei\Arrays\Arrays;
$data = "a,b,c
// [["a", "b", "c"], ["d", "e", "f"]]
Arrays::makeFromCsv($data, true);
// [["a" => "d", "b" => "e", "c" => "f"]]
# makeFromJson()
Creates an array out of a json data string. Throws an exception if an error occurred! Only works with json objects or arrays. Other values will throw an exception!
use Neunerlei\Arrays\Arrays;
// [123, "foo", "bar"]